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Impact Assessment Services

Here’s how it works:


Write to us in order to acquire the impact assessment.


Before starting the activities, scan the code in the beginning of the Activity Book or Pedagogical Guide for Educators to answer some questions that let us get to know you a little better. Don’t forget to fill in your e-mail address!


Enjoy your regenerative material at your own pace.


Once finished, scan the code at the end of the Activity Book or Pedagogical Guide for Educators and answer the questions. Don’t forget to include the same e-mail address you used for the first evaluation.


Our team will compare both evaluations, read your proposals, and will write you a letter to tell you what we analyzed, celebrate what we learned about you, and give you feedback about your experience and growth.

If you want to know more about our evaluations, their components, and other specialized services for educational institutions, consult our website for more information.

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